Only 1 restaurant can be ranked #1 in the search engines in their respective city. Obtaining that ranking takes years of quality work with a stellar website and great reviews. What about everyone else? We have a solution.
For a $95 monthly investment your restaurant can be featured on AdStar Media's "Sponsored Restaurants" website which highlights quality restaurants in major cities across the United States. Have your restaurant shown to 1/4 million local viewers in your specific city every single month.
What do you get by being a Sponsored Restaurant?
Get featured on our "Sponsored Restaurants" website with an image ad along with a full description of your restaurant and interactive buttons for viewers to view your menu and call you with a click of a button.
Be seen by 1/4 million local viewers in your specific city every single month.
How does it work?
Once you submit your order you will receive an email from us and we will immediately begin developing your sponsored section on our website. You make the food, we send you the hungry customers!